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Our Policies

Dear Parent/Guardian:

      Welcome to Happy House childcare Inc 

Mission Statement

Here at Happy House childcare, Inc, we believe that children learn a great deal through
play. Through play, they learn socialization in a caring and nurturing environment. Our goal
is to prepare and mold young mind for their future. I believe that quality early care and
education is a partnership between parents and providers. At Happy House Childcare we
strive to give your children the opportunity to experience high quality care. At Happy House
your child will build his/her cognitive, emotional, social, and physical skills through
developmentally appropriate activities and play. We are dedicated to helping each child
reach his/her full potential. The care is personal and individualized to enhance your child’s
growth and self-esteem. Your child’s comforts and needs are always a priority. Your
questions, comments, and inputs are important so we can work as a team to achieve the
very best experiences for your child.
Thank you for choosing Happy House Childcare. As you know, in the first five years of your
child’s life, he/she will go though some incredible developmental stages. Observing an
Infant’s journey through these stages never ceases to fill me with awe and wonderment. I
am looking forward to joining you on your child’s amazing journey!
Sheerley Felipe,



Ages Served


Happy House Childcare Inc. serves children ages 6 weeks old to 5 years of age and kindergarten to second grade
(Yorkshire Elementary school).


Attendance Weekly Schedule

Happy House Childcare Inc. is open according to the following schedule:
Monday 7 AM to 6:00 PM
Tuesday 7 AM to 6:00 PM
Wednesday 7 AM to 6:00 PM
Thursday 7 AM to 6:00 PM
Friday 7 AM to 6:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
*If you are late picking up your child or children past 6:00pm, you will be charged a fee of $1.00 per minutes that you are late.




If you plan to keep your child home due to illness, or any other reason, you must notify me no later than your regular drop off time. I also expect to be notified if you anticipate being late in dropping off your child in the morning.


Appointments and early pick-ups

Please notify me when you drop your child off in the morning if you will be picking your child up early that day, or if your child has an appointment and will be leaving, and returning again later in the day.


Either the parent or provider has the right to terminate service for any reason, providing a 4 weeks written notice is given.


Waiting List
I encourage parents to begin exploring their child care options as early as possible, visiting many different types of programs. If, after carefully weighing the different options and providers, you are interested in enrolling your child at a time when I do not have an opening, you are welcome to keep in touch and I will let you know when I have an opening. However, I do not, as a rule, keep a
waiting list because it is my experience that, unless they are looking for future care, parents generally need child care immediately. If you need immediate care and I do not have any openings, I am happy to refer you to other providers in the area.


Holidays and Vacations


Happy House Childcare Inc. will be closed on the following PAID holidays. Please arrange for alternative care on those
days. Days
also posted on the bulletin board
· New Year’s Day
· Martin Luther King, Jr., Day
· Presidents Day
· Memorial Day (Observed)
· Independence Day
· Labor Day (Observed)
· Veterans Day (Observed)
· Columbus Day (observed)
· Thanksgiving and the Friday after it
· Christmas Eve
· Christmas Day
· New Years EVE and New Years



Happy House Childcare Inc. will close for 1 weeks every year (date will be announced at the start of the New Year).
Parents will
receive at newsletter or flyer of the exact dates.
Payment during Family Vacations
If parent/guardians takes vacation half tuition is due provided that two weeks’ notice is given however, if no notice is given the full tuition is due. (Note: not to be taken when Happy House Childcare is close). If you plan on keeping your child out of care for longer than 1 week, tuition must be paid up front for the remaining vacation period in order to hold your child’s slot.


Emergency/Substitute Care

Though I will be happy to provide parents with a list of other providers in the area, it is ultimately the parent’s responsibility to arrange for substitute and/or emergency care for their child.




Guidance Policy

To assist children in developing self-control, self-confidence, and sensitivity in their interactions with others, and to ensure order, prevent injury, and ensure a child’s activities are not infringing on the rights of others, the following strategies are used to guide the children’s’ behavior:
· Focusing on the child’s behavior, rather than on the child;
· reinforcing appropriate behavior;
· Observing children in order to anticipate potential difficulties.
· Establishing eye contact and calling the child by name to gain a child’s attention;
· remaining near the child in situations where he/she may be losing self-control;
· Modeling problem solving.
· Offering choices.
· Re-directing.
· if all else fails; the child will be removed from the situation in a way that ensures that the 'time  out'  is a positive learning experience:
· Prior to the use of ‘time out’ the child will be given an explanation of what it means and what it
· The ‘time out’ place will be located within the play area, where they can still be supervised, but far
enough from the activity.
· The child will be allowed to determine when he/she can return to the activity. * For pre-school age
children, the ‘time out’ period will be no more than one minute per year of age, to a maximum of five (5) minutes.
· Appropriate or acceptable behavior of the child following ‘time out’ will receive praise.
· If a child loses control and could possibly injure him or herself or others, the child will be held and helped to sooth themselves until self-control is gained.
· I do not practice, or allow the follow behaviors:
· Corporal punishment such as shoving, hitting, shaking, spanking
· Harsh, belittling, or degrading treatment
· Confinement, unsupervised separation from others, physical restraint as punishment
· Depriving children of meals, snacks, rest or necessary use of the toilet as punishment




Happy House Childcare Inc. does not participate in the Child Care Food Program however we will provide breakfast, lunch and snacks. If your child has any food allergies, or other special’ dietary needs, please let me know. If your child does not eat any of the food that we provide please provide a meal for the day. Weekly menus are posted on the bulletin board.
If you are breastfeeding your child, please let me know what accommodations I can make to help meet yours and your babies

Schedule and space needs.


Happy House Childcare will supplying diapers, wipes for your child.
Upon enrollment, and every 6 months afterwards, each family must contribute facial tissues, one roll of paper towel for each child enrolled.


Change of Clothing

Parents are responsible for maintaining a spare set of clothing in their child’s cubbies. Babies grow fast, please check frequently to make sure the spare set of clothing matches your child’s current size.


Parent Involvement


I expect parents to be partners in their child’s care and encourage parents to volunteer for field trips, activities, birthday parties etc. whenever possible. I know parents are busy, and it is difficult to always find time to talk, but daily communication helps me to better meet your needs and the needs of your child. I will meet individually with parents on a regular basis to discuss their child’s progress, share observations and work together to set individual goals and objectives for each child.


Fire and Earthquake drills are conducted every-month. Date and time are posted. There is also fire extinguisher checks conducted every month. In the event of fire or other emergency where we do have to evacuate, we will assemble and wait for parents at the :





Policy for the Administration of Medications


Provider statement
I understand that is my responsibility to follow the policy for the administration of medication and all health and infection control regulations applicable to the childcare. I will verify and document the credentials for all new caregivers before the caregiver is allowed to administer prescription or non-prescription medications. I understand that if a child in the childcare requires prescription topical skin medication to be administered I will make sure that only a caregiver who has a current Medication Administration Training (MAT) certificate or has appropriate licensure to administer prescription medications and is listed as a medication administer.
· I will administer only prescription and non-prescription topical skin products such as sunscreen, diaper ointment and lotion, oral teething medicine and insect repellant. Any medication must be in the original bottle or container and prescription medications must include the original prescription label and instructions. Happy House Childcare Inc. will not administer any medications, creams or sunscreen without written consent from a child’s parent. Medication
consent forms are available on the bulletin board or ask the director for a form. Please do not leave medication on the counter. Parents must hand all medications, instructions and consent forms to the director personally. Immunizations Complete Immunization records and physical must be on file prior to your child’s first day of enrollment. Please provide by-yearly updates on your child shot record and physical.



Happy House Childcare Inc. welcomes all families, regardless of, race, religion, national
origin, sexual orientation, gender, ancestry, marital or parental status, and physical, mental,
emotional or learning disability.


ADA Statement
I understand the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If any child enrolled at

Happy House Childcare Inc. now or in the future is identified as having a disability covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act, I will assess the ability of the family day home to meet the needs of the child (for further information on ADA seek legal counsel and/or go to the following website: www.usdoj.qov/crt/ada/chcaflyr.htm). If Happy House Childcare Inc. can meet the needs of the child without making a fundamental alteration to the program and the child will need regular or emergency medication, I will ensure that I have a caregiver in the childcare who has a current Medication Administration Training (MAT) certificate or has appropriate licensure to
  Confidenciality  Statement 
Information about any child enrolled in Happy House Childcare Inc. is confidential and will not be given to anyone except VDSS’ designees or other persons authorized by law unless the child’s parent gives written permission. Information about a child At Happy House Childcare Inc. will be given to the local department of social services if I receive a day care subsidy for the child or if the child has been named in a report of suspected child abuse or neglect or as otherwise allowed by law.






                                         Daily Schedule pre-school children

7:00am Arrival
7:00-7:30 children chooses a book to read or look at
7:30-8:15 Breakfast
8:20-8:30 puzzle activities (children at this stage are doing 24, 60, 70, and 100 piece puzzles
8:30-9:00 signing time ABC(children view a CD, they learn to sign their ABC, sign the great
outdoors, sign family, feeling and fun, welcome to school) we recite our numbers from 1-100. These activities are done with all of the children including the infant and toddlers

9:00-10:00 pre-school class begins-(plan activities)
10:00-10:05 transitioning
10:05-10:30 Physical activities music and movement activity
10:30-10:50 outside play (weather permitting)

10:55-11:00 bathroom break and supervise hand washing
11:00-11:30 Lunch for preschoolers and infant
11:30-2:00 nap time for all children (including infant)
2:00-2:30 wake up children-bathroom break, supervise hand washing
2:30-3:00 children chooses a book to read or look at and have quiet conversation with one another
3:00-3:30 snack
3:30-4:00 children directed play (children are giving a variety of toy, blocks, books, soccer balls,
kitchen utensils, dressup to choose from)
4:00-4:30 plan activities (preschoolers go back to class room to continue from morning projects),
or art activity
4:00-4:30 outside play
4:30-5:00 children directed play
5:00-5:30 schedule video showing (videos relates to learning activity. Movie videos are for
Fridays. On Fridays the children are invited to bring a toy to share with their friends. Fridays are
free day for the children
5:30-6:00 all children leave for home childcare is close
*this schedule is merely a guideline for our day, actual times and activities often vary in the
response to the children’s needs and interest.



If your child has any of the following illnesses or conditions, you must keep your child home:
* A temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit
* Vomiting (2 or more times in 24 hours)
* Diarrhea (3 or more watery stools in 24 hours)
* A rash or nits
* Eye infection
* Sore throat
* Any Communicable-Disease
* If it’s clear your child is just not feeling good
Depending upon the illness, you may be required to obtain a doctor’s note before your child returns to care.






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